Teddy Perks
Earn Teddy Perks and enjoy discounts on our website! Easily log in, celebrate your birthday, like/share on Facebook, follow us on Instagram or place an order. If you need support, our customer service is available to you at any time. Additionally, you can sign up for our loyalty program to gain access to other exclusive rewards.
Here are the most important key data:
How to Earn Teddy Perks:
- Celebrate a Birthday - 200 Teddy Perks
- Register - 100 Teddy Perks
- Like on Facebook - 5 Teddy Perks
- Share on Facebook - 5 Teddy Perks
- Follow our Instagram account - 100 Teddy Perks
- Place an order - 10 Teddy Perks for every €1 spent
How to redeem Teddy Perks:
- 10% discount voucher - 1000 Teddy Perks
- €5 discount voucher - 500 Teddy Perks
T&C Teddy Perks can only be redeemed with 500 or more points. All discounts and vouchers are only valid on our website. The Program is available to individuals for personal use only and is limited to one account per individual. Companies, clubs or other groups cannot take part in the program. Individuals who reside in a European country, are at least 18 years old and provide and maintain a valid email address are eligible to participate in this program.